Training and Development

Training and Development

The company personnel are subjected to various trainings as it is believed that the most important problem affecting quality in providing customer satisfaction is education.

Our aim;

To train qualified experts, consultants and managers related to Industrial Rights through the Support Academy Project
Vocational education should be continuously improved and improved according to the needs of the society
The power of our business; the weakest ring is as strong as the consciousness is to work to develop our weakest ring.
Our Training Strategy;

1. Technical Trainings:

Orientation Trainings; Accompanied by coaching for a month and creating reference value for technical competence within the trial period.
Sectoral Trainings; Periodic trainings are given for the business units to have technical knowledge about the work they have done. Although the technical issues are explained in the harmonization process, it is necessary to revise the existing information in certain periods or to take the renewal trainings related to the changed topics.

2. Personal Development Trainings:

Basic Sales Training; It is the training which aims to increase the necessary competencies in order to make the job that the newly started institution has done besides business information, and to aim at the change of behavior afterwards.
Advanced Sales Training; It is the training that includes basic communication, corporate communication techniques and advanced sales techniques within the scope of the specialist level 2, which should be taken by the personnel of the sales team who manage large customers.
Internal / External Customer Focus; The personnel who are working in the operation staff and who are an integral part of the sales team are the trainings that should be taken to increase the internal customer satisfaction. In this respect, it is aimed to speak the same language as sales of the operation cadres who support the sales team which serves the external customers.
Sales Team Coaching; It is a kind of training in the sense that the coach, which is supposed to be taken by senior executives in charge of reaching the targets and targets that the branch and region managers should take, should be done in the sense of sales.
Training of trainers; It is a training that at least the experts at Level 2 should take to improve the skills of the people with technical competence to train. It is aimed to train experienced internal trainers with these trainings.
3. Career Trainings:

Basic Management Skills; Rarely Specialist 2 is at the level of Specialist 3 Personnel is a basic level of management training for those who are approved for entry into the managerial pool. Afterwards, the personnel will be given various projects as human resources and will be supported in terms of training application.

Advanced Management Skills; It is the trainings that describe the advanced stages of management planned for the middle level manager and above.

Coaching for Executives; These are individual coaching trainings that will be planned for senior executives who have advanced management skills and which will be developed in stages with session logic.

4. Information Technology Trainings:

 Software Group Training; These are technical trainings aimed at open participation at the level of the manager of the unit concerned and which will improve the work we have done or planned in the organization.

Hardware Group Trainings; These are technical trainings aimed at open participation at the level of the manager of the unit concerned and which will improve the work we have done or planned in the organization.

Internal / External Customer Focus; It is the training that will increase the internal customer satisfaction that the IT staff, which is an integral part of the team, working in the operation and marketing staff and related to all staff, should take.

In this respect, empathy competence will be increased between all the personnel serving the external customers and the technical staff.